Merger and acquisition activity can ebb and flow: It smashed records in 2021, with reported global deal-making at more than $5 trillion, then slowed in 2022 to pre-pandemic levels as inflation rose, and financial forecasts declined.
AEON Law attorneys have seen our clients through decades of economic fluctuations. No matter the current climate, we help our clients make favorable deals. Some of our proudest accomplishments are when we help clients secure intellectual property rights that make them attractive to investors. Then we guide them into successful acquisitions.
We are strategic business partners with the IP, tech, and business chops to lead your company through a transaction, minimize risks, and come out with the best deal possible.
We are creators and entrepreneurs. AEON Law founder Adam Philipp, as well as other members of our team, have all been business owners. We understand what it’s like to run a business and when it’s beneficial to team up with a partner.
With our expertise in business and IP, we can help clients on both sides of the negotiation table understand the IP and other assets involved in a potential transaction. We take clients from the preliminary term sheet and due diligence through closing, helping them to minimize risks and maximize investments.
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